Uniswap Unveils its Assets Holdings

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The Uniswap Foundation has made public their holdings of $41.41 million in fiat currency and stablecoins, as well as 730,000 UNI tokens by the end of the first quarter.

The Foundation has also announced that they have granted $4.34 million and disbursed $2.79 million in grants during this period. The fiat and stablecoin funds will be used for grant-making and operations, while the UNI tokens are reserved for employee token rewards.

The Foundation has proposed a new fee mechanism, which will be subject to on-chain voting by May 31. This proposal is a crucial step towards implementing autonomous fee collection and distribution in Uniswap v3 pools.

If the proposal is approved, the mainnet UniswapV3Factory will be handed over to a new V3FactoryOwner contract, marking a significant milestone in the decentralized governance of Uniswap. However, the fees will not be activated through this vote and will be addressed in a separate proposal in the future.

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