Mt. Gox Trustee Updates Data on Payments to Creditors

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Reddit users shared information about the disclosure of the amounts that will be paid to users of Mt. Gox in Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash and Japanese yen.

According to a screenshot, claims accounts now show a table with repayment status and the amount of obligations that have been completed and those that are still pending.

Several platform users also reported that they have received fiat money in their bank accounts.

“We received US dollars in our HSBC currency account. The table was updated on March 15, April 8, and April 18 with the addition of Bitcoin lines. Hang in there, your turn will come!” the message read.

It is expected that Mt. Gox will distribute its assets of 142,000 BTC, 143,000 BCH, and 69 billion yen to creditors by October 31, 2024.

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