China Will Use a Blockchain Platform for Digital Identification

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China has announced the launch of RealDID, a new digital identity service from the Blockchain Service Network (BSN) to provide blockchain-based “external anonymity.”

The primary goal of the service is to provide a secure and transparent way of verifying identity, reducing the risk of identity theft, and making online transactions and services more secure and convenient.

China launched the BSN in 2019 to enable developers to build decentralized applications more efficiently and at a lower cost.

The BSN Development Alliance, responsible for the platform’s operation and development, also includes blockchain-focused companies such as Hyperchain, Tencent, and WeBank, among others.

RealDID, as part of BSN’s blockchain services, will leverage the advantages of distributed ledger technology and safe data storage to enhance user privacy and security.

This move is in line with China’s efforts to promote the adoption of blockchain technology in various industries and improve data protection measures.

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