1inch Network to Integrate with the Homescreen Service on the Skynet Platform

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The front-end of the 1inch Network DeFi project is going to be deployed on the Skynet platform with full support for the Homescreen service for accessing the protocol, as reported by the team representatives.

The parties believe the front-end Web 3.0 and DeFi apps remain the only centralized component of these projects. The Skynet-based solution eliminates a central hosting provider and, as a result, a single point of failure.

Homescreen, announced back in September, offers a dashboard that allows users upload saved versions of dApps to their personal storage on the Skynet network. Users can choose which version of the app to use and don’t lose access to the protocol, even if the original dApps doesn’t work or is compromised.

According to the press release:

“With a traditional frontend, there is no easy way for a user to know if an attacker has updated the code displayed in their browser. Even if he receives a warning, [other solutions] do not provide access to old versions of sites that he still trusts.”

We should remember that 1inch was the first DeFi protocol deployed on the Skynet network with Homescreen support. The project team publishes updates using a single skylink. When a user adds this id to its list of apps, the latest dApp is saved to the MySky storage.

1inch has previously presented the fourth version of the protocol for the liquidity aggregator from decentralized exchanges and announced a complete transition to DAO.

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